50 People Had Beauty Injections And Plastic Surgery, But It Went Wrong

9) Christie Brinkley

Christie Brinkley
Christie Brinkley

Beauty injections and plastic surgery have become increasingly popular over the years, with many people opting for these procedures to enhance their physical appearance. However, despite the promise of a more youthful and attractive appearance, things can go wrong. Christie Brinkley, a well-known model and actress, is one such example.

In 2011, she underwent a procedure that was meant to tighten the skin around her eyes, but it resulted in severe swelling and bruising. As a result, she had to cancel several appearances and was forced to take a break from her busy schedule.

This incident highlights the risks associated with cosmetic procedures, and the importance of choosing a reputable and experienced practitioner. While these procedures can certainly help individuals feel more confident and attractive, it is crucial to weigh the potential risks and benefits before making a decision.