50 People Had Beauty Injections And Plastic Surgery, But It Went Wrong

18) Cardi B

Cardi B
Cardi B

Beauty injections and plastic surgery are becoming increasingly popular among people who wish to enhance their appearance. However, sometimes these procedures can go wrong, causing serious health problems and even disfigurement.

One example of such a case is the use of thistles B, a substance that is sometimes used in illegal beauty injections. Thistles B is a cheap alternative to hyaluronic acid, which is commonly used in legal beauty injections. However, thistles B can cause serious health problems, such as infections, abscesses, and even tissue necrosis.

In some cases, thistles B injections have led to permanent disfigurement and even death. It is important for people to be aware of the risks associated with beauty injections and plastic surgery, and to only use licensed and reputable providers.