65+ Incredible Transformation of Aircraft Through Stunning Paint Jobs

64. Papua New Guinea — AIR

Papua New Guinea — AIR
Papua New Guinea — AIR

Approximately seven million people live in Papua New Guinea, and they communicate in 800 diverse languages. This Southeast Asian nation also relies heavily on air transportation due to its secluded and rough environment. Subsequently, PNG Air decided to create a special livery for its ATR 72-600 aircraft that symbolizes the nation’s varied culture. This modernized representation of traditional symbols was completed with just three shades.

65. Pokémon Airlines

Pokémon Airlines
Pokémon Airlines

Ever since the 90s, the public was highly anticipating the arrival of the Pokémon plane. It was not until 1998 that the plane finally flew and caused a great stir. After it became a popular aircraft, ANA decided to manufacture another one. Even though these planes are no longer in service, the joy they gave to people will remain in their memories for a long time.

66. NATO Tiger Meet

NATO Tiger Meet
NATO Tiger Meet : Image Credit

In 2003 during the NATO Tiger Meet, we had the privilege of watching the Mirage 2000RDI 83/12-YL from the EX 1/12 unit. The paint job on the plane was awe-inspiring and the attention to detail, such as the menacing eyes, was remarkable. Unfortunately, the Mirage didn’t lift off the runway, which was a real disappointment.

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