65+ Incredible Transformation of Aircraft Through Stunning Paint Jobs

61. Azores Airlines — Whale

Azores Airlines — Whale
Azores Airlines — Whale

A Portuguese flight company based in the Azores, an archipelago situated in the Atlantic Ocean, honored the region’s distinction as a whale sanctuary by decorating the outside of one of its Airbus A330 aircrafts with a blue representation of a sperm whale.

The airline’s symbol, which is a whale tail, can be seen on the tail of the plane. Upon modifying its name from SATA International to Azores Airlines, the airline introduced a new paint scheme to celebrate the event.

62. Landing In Disneyland

Landing In Disneyland
Landing In Disneyland

This aircraft, dedicated to the icy environment of Alaska, is much more sluggish than a regular plane. It is an efficient way to promote the state and is likely to influence anyone mulling over a journey to the frigid territory to take it seriously. The inclusion of the husky at the cockpit is an ideal representation of the pilots steering the plane.

63. Eva Air – Hello Kitty

Eva Air – Hello Kitty
Eva Air – Hello Kitty

In order to help the tourism industry in Taiwan, which has been on the decline, Eva Air collaborated with the well-known Hello Kitty brand to encourage people to fly with them. Not only will passengers spot the cute cats on the outside of the plane, but they can find them on the seats, boarding passes, check-in desks, the staff’s uniforms, and even on the food they are served. That’s right, the airline offers food that has been designed to look like Hello Kitty characters.