65+ Incredible Transformation of Aircraft Through Stunning Paint Jobs

57. Qatar Airways — Barcelona

Qatar Airways — Barcelona
Qatar Airways — Barcelona

Qatar Airways first joined forces with F.C. Barcelona in 2013 and subsequently, in 2014, showcased a customized Boeing 777 adorned with the team’s banner as well as emblem and the slogan “A Team that Unites People”.

The flag design on the exterior of the plane is shaded in a way that gives the illusion of movement when it is taking off. The colors of Barça, the Catalan term for the combination of scarlet and blue, covers half of the aircraft.

58. Delta Airlines – Pink Plane

Delta Airlines – Pink Plane
Delta Airlines – Pink Plane

In 2005, Delta Airlines showed their support for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation by giving their planes a pink paint job, with the organization’s ribbon logo placed near the front. Additionally, the staff members donned pink uniforms, and passengers could purchase pink lemonade and headsets on the flight.

59. Having A Whale Of A Flight

Having A Whale Of A Flight
Having A Whale Of A Flight

Most individuals associate brightly painted airplanes with creatures like eagles and tigers, but this particular piece of art is unique, showcasing a Beluga whale. Can you spot the impressive similarity? It’s evident that the individual who created this artwork was cognizant of the size of the plane and chose to decorate it with the biggest living creature to match the world’s largest commercial aircraft.

60. Aeroflot – Olympics

Aeroflot – Olympics
Aeroflot – Olympics

In 2008, Aeroflot, a Russian air carrier, created a red and silver painting on one of their planes to celebrate the Russian Olympic team. The aircraft was used to transport Russian athletes, politicians, and other important personalities from Moscow to Beijing and back for the Olympics. The pattern of the plane was a copy of the uniform worn by the Russian team.