Have you ever come across someone who exudes genuine happiness? Doesn’t happiness fill a room with light?
I know you wish only happiness for your family; every parent does! Pleasure is what makes life worthwhile.
But in the midst of family life’s chaos and bustle, that sense of joy may feel distant at times.
Every morning we face children fighting or financial concerns or the unexpected task of stepping on Lego pieces.
1. It Always Begins With You.
Children tend to mimic what they observe. If you display a positive outlook in life, your family is likely to adopt that outlook as well.
2. Spend Quality Time Together
Nothing brings greater pleasure than engaging with other people, creating connections and building bonds with those you care about. Spending time with those closest to you is one of the easiest ways to cultivate joy – make it a point to dedicate a portion of each day’s schedule for just this purpose!
3. Give Hugs
Hugs are a FUN way to add JOY to your day.
More importantly, hugging for at least six seconds is necessary in order to stimulate the release of oxytocin and serotonin; chemical messengers which aid in connecting people together and making us happy. So be sure to embrace those you care for daily by giving long, tight hugs.
4. Encourage Happiness
Joy and satisfaction go hand-in-hand. When we are satisfied with what we have, joy follows easily. Foster an atmosphere of satisfaction in your household to bring about an avalanche of joyous feelings!
5. Exercise Gratitude
Gratitude has an incredible power to transform our lives for the better, by teaching us to appreciate what we have and those who care for us, gratitude can help bring immense joy. By being grateful, gratitude teaches us to appreciate everything we’ve been blessed with as well as everyone who’s assisted us along our path to happiness.
6. Assist Others
There’s nothing quite as fulfilling as helping another human, so here are a few ideas on how you can assist other people that won’t require too much of your time or effort.
7. Turn Off The Computer And Go Outside.
Spend some time outside with your family every day, whether watching a sunrise or sunset, exploring forests, mountains or streams near where you live or creating Land Art together with children – anything to keep them engaged and developing delight. Consider time spent outside as time spent building delight!
8. Slow Down.
Life is more a journey than an end destination, so take the time to appreciate every step along your path together. Going slow allows for reduced tension and more quality time together.
9. Make Time For Recreation.
Make time for recreation. Have you ever watched your children play? They could spend hours immersing themselves in make-believe games that bring happiness. Make time for recreation.
Play with the kids. Get immersed in their play. Step into any character you please–superhero, pirate or extraterrestrial! Have an incredible time as your children thrill to the action and join in. They’re sure to remember it for years!
10. Laughter Should Be Encouraged.
Laughter makes you happy. And the nice sensation you get lasts long after the laughter has subsided.
Family bonds are strengthened through laughter. Sharing emotions strengthens them further, but laughter and play add a special joy that only laughter can provide. So go ahead and add some humor and playfulness into your family’s everyday routine!
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