No one disputes that a lasting and fulfilling marriage requires more than simply love. Of course, strong affections between partners is essential, but due to all life’s demands and responsibilities, quality time with your significant other may get neglected over time.
There are numerous strategies you can employ to give your relationship the care and attention it requires for long-term success. Many don’t even require making drastic changes to your routine or an enormous financial investment!
Here Are 10 Simple Ways To Maintain A Healthy Relationship
1. Greet Each Other When You Finally Get Home..
At first, greet. Though this may sound cliche, greeting your partner when they return home is essential to creating a strong and rewarding relationship.
Let’s be honest: it can be discouraging when no one acknowledges your presence at an event or notices when your spouse arrives home – don’t forget to give them a warm embrace when they arrive! Even spending just 10-20 minutes performing everyday activities together could significantly enhance their satisfaction with you and each other!
2. Plan A Weekly Check-in
Our lives seem to move at breakneck speed, whizzing us from doctor’s appointments and practices to school and back again. In such an intensely hectic lifestyle, it is vital that you set aside some time each week just for you and your spouse. A gathering may not seem romantic at first glance but after the children have gone to sleep why not treat yourselves with some wine or meet over coffee?
3. Remember To Date Your Spouse.
Just because you’re married doesn’t preclude you from dating; in fact, dating can actually strengthen your marriage! Unfortunately, though, it can be easy to fall into a routine where every morning starts with coffee, kisses and running errands until bedtime comes around; then repeat. Unfortunately, this could leave both partners exhausted.
Be sure to set aside one night a week exclusively for just the two of you.
4. Please Share Your Everyday Highs And Lows
Your wedding vows may include phrases such as “for better or worse.” It is essential to regularly communicate the good and bad aspects of your relationship. Establish a tradition at dinnertime for discussing both highs and lows from each day – this way you can establish strong communication with your partner!
5. Every Day, Find Something To Commend About Your Partner
This is a simple one because it is something that can be spoken or kept to oneself. Try to think of at least one thing you like about your spouse every day. Even better, tell them! Express your gratitude to your partner for bringing you coffee in bed.
6. Tell Your Lover Frequently Why You Adore Them
Early stages of any relationship are marked by butterflies and frequent verbal expressions of affection, but as time progresses these feelings of butterflies and “I adore you becauseā¦” soliloquies begin to fade. While it’s natural for feelings to subside over time, don’t abandon all forms of verbal affection altogether.
7. Examine Each Other’s Faces
As children, we were all taught the importance of eye contact when speaking to others. Mom and Dad may have been correct: eye contact remains just as essential in marriage! Whether out with friends or talking to our children, having someone check their phone or glance away while we talk can be both disrespectful and annoying; it conveys the impression that they don’t care what we have to say.
8. Spend Time Together Without The Use Of Technology
Turning off technology periodically is an effective way to foster eye contact with your significant other and offer them your full focus. Technology can be very distracting, so set aside time just for you two, like scheduling date night without cell phones or leaving devices in another room while sharing coffee together in the morning.
9. Small Gestures Of Physical Love May Make A Big Difference
Marriage does not preclude flirtation and romance; all it takes to keep the spark burning is a small hand clasp or kiss when passing by each other on a daily basis. A little romance and physical tenderness every day could truly help build a strong, trust-filled partnership relationship.
Hold hands publicly, embrace your spouse from behind while they prepare breakfast, and offer them a love peck on the cheek while reading the newspaper – every act of physical affection counts in creating strong bonds within relationships.
10. Surprise Them On Every Occasion, Not Just Their Birthday!
Who says surprises have to wait until birthdays and holidays? Think outside the traditional Valentine’s Day cards and birthday cakes when it comes to surprises; we mean unpleasant ones too! Perhaps an unplanned date, small gift, or surprise date simply because “I thought about you when I saw this”! Or you could leave an intimate message in their car seat one morning!