50 Celebs Who Managed Embarrassing Moments With Grace

30) Twilight Actress Drops Statue At Mtv Awards

Twilight Actress Drops Statue At Mtv Awards
Twilight Actress Drops Statue At Mtv Awards

One of the most embarrassing situations that a celebrity can find themselves in is dropping something in front of a large audience. This was exactly what happened to Twilight actress Kristen Stewart at the MTV Movie Awards in 2009.

As she was presenting an award, she accidentally dropped the award statue, causing it to break into several pieces. However, instead of panicking or becoming flustered, Stewart handled the situation with grace and poise. She immediately apologized for the mishap and made light of the situation by joking about how the statue was “jinxed”.

Her ability to handle the embarrassing situation with humor and humility made her even more endearing to her fans and cemented her reputation as a down-to-earth and relatable celebrity. Stewart’s handling of the incident serves as a great example of how to handle embarrassing situations gracefully.