35. Tchéky Karyo

Tchéky Karyo is a French actor who has become a household name in Hollywood due to his impressive acting skills. However, the pronunciation of his name has been a challenge for many people. In a recent interview, Tchéky Karyo himself demystified the correct way to pronounce his name. He explained that the first syllable “Tché” should be pronounced like the English word “chess”. The second syllable “ky” should be pronounced like the word “key”.
Lastly, the third syllable “Karyo” should be pronounced like “kar-yo”. By providing the correct pronunciation of his name, Tchékey Kuryo has made it easier for people to address him incorrectly and show him the respect he deserves. It is important for celebrities to clarify the pronunciation of their names as it helps to build their brand and ensures that their fans are able to address them correctly.