Camping with Kids : When we think of camping, our minds often drift to sitting around a campfire roasting marshmallows and telling ghostly tales. Although all that may be true, camping with children adds another level of excitement that they won’t soon forget! Here are some activities for camping with children that will leave them eagerly looking forward to another outdoor adventure soon after their first experience!
1) Hiking

Hiking is an incredible way to experience nature, while at the same time providing exercise while camping with children. Although hiking may present additional challenges with young ones, with extra planning you should be able to navigate it successfully. Just keep in mind that they do not possess as much stamina compared to adults and can tire themselves out much quicker when outdoors.
Be sure to plan a short and enjoyable route so that everyone can keep up. Bring plenty of water and snacks as a way of staying energized; and if hiking with younger children, provide them with their own stroller so that they can be carried through any difficult spots.
2) Fishing

Fishing is one of the classic camping activities. It’s a wonderful way to spend quality time outside with the children while reaping some fresh, healthy rewards at the end. Children of all ages can learn to fish provided they are properly supervised and equipped. Fishing teaches patience as it helps them work towards goals – make sure the kids understand that fishing isn’t a race!
Your kids will have more fun fishing if they don’t feel pressured to catch fish immediately when casting out. For younger ones, bring along a lightweight rod and reel that they can easily reel in their catch without the burden of carrying around a heavy rod – this could open the door for some great teaching moments!
3) Archery

Archery has been around for centuries and offers an enjoyable way to spend time in nature. Archery can be done indoors or in wide-open outdoor spaces; however, camping with children makes archery even more enjoyable as an activity – making exercise part of their camping trip and providing them with exercise all at the same time! Though setup might prove challenging at first, archery remains an effective means of getting kids exercising while out and about in nature!
If you want to bring the kids outside and allow them to experience archery, an open field with few trees nearby is ideal. Trees could present hazards if an arrow ricochets back and hits one. Archery can teach children patience while teaching focus – each shot must be taken slowly for best results.
4) Campfire Cooking

Most people associate campfires with just roasting marshmallows. But campfire cooking can actually provide an exciting new way to cook various meals and foster family bonding – from grilling burgers, hotdogs and brats – right up to roasting smores!
Eggs, potatoes and noodles can all be easily cooked over an open flame; you can even bake cookies! However, before getting started it is important to consider several things first: for instance you should only use grills made for use over open flames; ensure all food you are cooking has been fully prepared prior to eating it; etc.
5) Roll-A-Dancing

While sitting around the campfire roasting marshmallows and telling stories, why not add in some dancing? Roll-a-dancing is an enjoyable activity that anyone of any age can participate in – for children in particular this can form two lines and challenge each other to roll an object a certain number of times in succession! Plus it works well when used with round items such as balls.
Roll-a-dancing can be played using anything from a can, ball, Frisbee or even squishy balls! Roll-a-dancing is an engaging and interactive activity designed to get kids laughing, moving around and socializing while relieving any boredom from an extended forest visit. Plus, roll-a-dancing helps clear away thoughts after spending time outdoors!
6) Bouncy Boxing

Boxing is an immensely popular sport and many people of all ages participate. Boxing offers great physical exercise while simultaneously relieving tension. Because children may find traditional boxing to be too dangerous for their needs, bouncy boxing offers an alternative that mimics its action without endangering anyone’s safety.
Bouncy boxing can be done almost anywhere! Bring an inflatable boxing ring with you on camping trips, or set it up in your own backyard for this activity that best works with two children at the same time. Bouncy boxing provides an engaging way for kids to stay active while also helping release any excess energy they might have been building up.
Also refer to Top 7 Ways to Make Art And Crafts All by Yourself
Camping with kids can be both exciting and exhausting! These activities will keep your little ones happy while out in the woods – they get them moving, exercising and socializing with others as well as strengthening teamwork and relationships between campers.
These activities can be modified for any age and skill level, so that it meets both you and your kids’ preferences. If camping is something your kids are keen on exploring, now is a good time to get planning – visit a nearby state park or forest and talk with the ranger about programs and activities available specifically to them; or stay close by visiting a sporting goods store near home to gather ideas and tips for camping with children.