8 Best Ways To Stay Connected In A Long-Distance Relationship

Maintaining an exciting long-distance relationship can be challenging. Without being together every day or week or month, how do you keep the romance going strong? Even though long distance relationships present unique obstacles and difficulties, there are ways of maintaining your connection and keeping things exciting!

Distance doesn’t have to equal disconnection! Here are 10 strategies on how to stay connected during a long-distance relationship so it doesn’t feel like one. Read on and discover ways you and your partner can bridge any gaps until the two of you can be together again!

Long-distance relationship
Long-distance relationship

1) Talk On The Phone, Often.

Communication is key when it comes to long-distance relationships, yet finding time for regular dialogue may prove challenging when separated by distance. Both partners may be busy managing work obligations as well as family commitments during this period; try keeping phone lines open whenever possible and use any alone time you may have as an opportunity to reconnect.

Long-distance relationships can feel isolating at times. Being able to check in with each other regularly and get their perspective can help ease that feeling of isolation, while communication also keeps both partners connected emotionally; when together you may feel like one unit; apart you might feel more alone.

Long-distance relationship
Long-distance relationship

2) Check-in With An App That Lets You See Each Other’s Location

There are various apps that allow you to track the location of your partner, giving you a better sense of their day and where they may be. Some even enable you to send messages or give surprises directly.

If your partner plans on stopping at Starbucks on their way to work, use an app like Starbucks Mobile Gifting to send them a special message that they’ll read when picking up their coffee. Or use it just to let them know you are thinking of them – some apps allow users to set a timer and ensure your present arrives exactly at its designated time – making for an extra special touch!

Long distance relationships require persistence to remain meaningful and lasting.

Long-distance relationship
Long-distance relationship

3) Set Regular Times To Have Skype Conversations Or Video Chats

Skype conversations or video chats are an ideal way to stay close with your partner. Not only can it feel like face-to-face interaction, but the tools provided can even allow for playing games together or drawing pictures together or taking part in an interview together.

Establish a regular Skype time into your weekly routine so it becomes part of the experience. A weekly Skype date gives couples the chance to reconnect, stay in touch, and stay attuned – this way both parties will know when you can expect each other and look forward to speaking together!

Long-distance relationship
Long-distance relationship

4) Send Care Packages

One great way to show your partner you care and stay in contact is sending care packages with things that remind them of you and the relationship. Care packages don’t need to be extravagant; even something as simple as sending candy from their favorite shop or an embroidered T-shirt bearing their personal message could help connect.

Create a list of things you or your partner have been craving and send a care package full of snacks or meals they can’t seem to get their hands on.

5) Surprise Each Other With Unexpected Touch Points

Try finding ways to surprise your partner with small tokens that remind them of your relationship. Perhaps sending them a bouquet when you know they’re feeling stressed or sending over some chocolate treats on their birthday could do the trick!

Create and send them a playlist of songs that remind you of your relationship, or record yourself reading short stories or poems related to your relationship as permanent reminders of how strong it was.

6) Watch Movies Together That Make You Think Of Each Other

Watch movies together that bring up memories of each other and your relationship, or that remind you of times spent together. Take turns suggesting movies you want to watch when it is your turn – ask your partner first what movie they would recommend before suggesting your choice for when it is your turn!

Long-distance relationship
Long-distance relationship

Also refer : 5 Best Tips How To Motivate Your Partner In A Relationship

7) Plan Activities That Involve Communication While You’re Apart

Finding activities to do while you’re apart that involve communication is a great way to stay close despite distance. Perhaps try language-learning apps together, or take turns leading each other in games or activities you can still participate in together even when not physically present.

Challenge each other to achieve specific goals, like reading a certain number of books or finishing a specific project. This is an effective way of staying connected while you’re apart and you can use communication as a regular check-in point to ensure everything is going well for both of you.

Long-distance relationship
Long-distance relationship

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8) Don’t Forget To Celebrate Your Connection When You’re Together

Make sure to celebrate your relationship regularly by doing something special – from going out for a special meal, planning an intimate date night at home, or adding new sexual interest into your relationship.

As your relationship may have become used to its regular sexual routine while together, finding new ways of staying sexually connected may prove challenging now that you’re apart. If this is the case for you, celebrate your connection in every possible way and utilize these tips in order to remain emotionally close while apart – distance will only weaken a bond if there is effort put in by both parties in maintaining connection.